Recording Requirements
- PLEASE use the deed calculation tool at for help in calculating your recording costs. Be sure to use the drop down menu and select the York County-Poquoson Circuit Court.
- Margin requirements: 1 inch on all sides and 2.5 inches on the bottom of the last page of document.
- Paper Size: letter or legal (8.5” x 11” or 8.5” x 14”).
- Font Size: No smaller than 9.
- All documents must be originals. NO PHOTOCOPIES ACCEPTED.
- Pursuant to §17.1-258.3:1, a $2.00 fee will be added to each document submitted in paper format.
- Handwritten documents MUST be legible.
- Print quality must be legible for scanner to read and produce an acceptable image. If there is a question about legibility of the document, the recorder will be happy to test-scan the page(s) in question.
- Surnames must be underlined to ensure that all names are indexed properly.
- Document pages should be numbered (e.g. Page 1 of 10, 2 of 10, etc.) including cover sheet.
- Documents must state who prepared them, and Virginia attorneys are required to provide their VSB number on all Deeds.
- Documents must state to whom they are to be returned after recording.
- The Consideration and Assessed Value must be on the First Page of all Deeds and must have a proper legal description.
- York County Property requires a G-Pin number and Poquoson requires a Tax Map Number on all documents to be recorded.
- Tax exemption codes must be written clearly on FIRST page if any exemption is being claimed under Virginia or Federal Laws.
- Refinance Deeds of Trust must have proper language and correct original instrument number.
- Corrections and/or re-recordings must state what is being corrected or reason for re-recording along with original instrument number on FIRST PAGE of document.
- Signatures must be in black or dark blue ink.
- All documents put to record must be acknowledged and contain a notary seal. All acknowledgments by a Virginia notary must include their commission number, expiration date and a darkened seal. All of this information must be legible.
- A maximum of FOUR documents per check will be accepted for recordation.
- Checks are made payable to Clerk of Circuit Court and all documents should include a SASE to ensure proper return.